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Hello September

Can you believe its 1st September! I'm not quite ready to wave goodbye to summer but I know Autumn is quickly approaching, let's just keep our fingers crossed for a late summer!

This is a perfect time to refocus on your health and fitness goals. The transition from summer to autumn offers unique opportunities to embrace seasonal changes and make positive lifestyle changes. Here are some of my top tips to help you prepare your health and fitness for the autumn season.

  1. Adjust Your Workout Routine: Autumn weather can be unpredictable, so be prepared for cooler temperatures and shorter daylight hours. Consider transitioning some of your workouts indoors or exploring autumn activities like hiking, trail running, or cycling. Additionally, incorporating strength training can help you build strength and maintain muscle mass during the season.

  2. Embrace Seasonal Foods: Autumn brings a bounty of delicious, nutrient-rich foods. Incorporate seasonal fruits and vegetables like apples, pears, squash, sweet potatoes, and kale into your meals. These foods are not only yummy but also packed with essential vitamins , fibre and antioxidants that can support your immune system.

  3. Stay Hydrated: While the weather cools down, it's essential to stay hydrated. Continue drinking an adequate amount of water (min 2litres), even if you're not as thirsty as during the summer months. Herbal teas and warm water with lemon can also be comforting options.

  4. Plan Indoor Workouts: To stay active during the changing weather, have a plan for indoor workouts. Whether it's yoga, Pilates, home workouts, or gym sessions, having alternatives for rainy or cold days ensures that you stay on track with your fitness goals. I have a whole channel you can choose from.

  5. Set New Goals: Autumn can be a great time to set new health and fitness goals. Whether you want to increase your strength, improve your flexibility, work with a Personal trainer or try a new fitness class, setting clear objectives can provide motivation and direction for your workouts.

Need some help with implementing healthy lifestyle habits? Get in touch to discuss any of my services and don't forget my next Online Small Coaching Group starts on 4th September .


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